Mission: South Valley strives to help people lead self determined lives.
South Valley Training Company began in 1985 as a service for individuals aging out of school. The program was developed as a service for people to use during the day when they previously had been in school. It functioned under a token economy with activities that provided training for practice skills. Over the years it has evolved into what it is today - a multilayered program designed to the meet the needs of each individual served through their Person Centered Plan. Today people do real work for pay and participate in a variety of in house and community activities. Our facility based employment program does light assembly and packaging for several local companies. (Click our Services page to meet our community partners.) Our community activities program offers a variety of experiences in the community including use of community services, as well as social and entertainment experiences. Our community employment department partners with DSPD and Vocational Rehab to provide competitive community employment services.
Learn more about our 100% Community Based pilot program coming soon.
501C Non-Profit Organization
Board of Directors
Department Leads
Support Specialists
Direct Support Professionals
Kristine Hammond - Board Chair
Jan Felix
Genine Fultcher
Jackie Olson-Executive Director
Cindy Hunt-Business Manager
Tiffany Wade-Program Manager
Cassidy Kerbs- Employment Director
Iva Fenstermaker-Senior S.S.
Hope Kerbs- HR Manager
Reo Olson - Project Manager
Nadean Miler- Assis Project Manager
Jenny Dizzazo - Health and Safety
Mindy Franklin-Bowen - Transportation Manager
Tiffany Wade
Iva Fenstermaker
Nadean Miler
Samantha Fenstermaker
Chantelle Allen
Katie Read
Sharareh Barimani
Jordann Martinez
Dylan Rood
Shantel Tolman
Gerald Sibert
Brynna Christenson
Kellie Rodriguez
Brooke Parkinson
Jacob Gardner
David Roy